Wyoming County Demographic Reports
We've provided some selected data recently published by the US Census Bureau. In the first document you will find population estimates, data on age & sex; race; population characteristics; economy; transportation; business; and geography. You'll also find the most recently updated tourism data for the county.

Our friends at Invest Buffalo Niagara have provided the following documents with the most up to date demographic data on Wyoming County from Community profiles, Business profiles, consumer spending and general population data.

Here you will find updated population figures on Wyoming County's Towns and Villages.

Here you will find how Wyoming County ranks among the counties in New York State.

Tourism Economics 2017 Greater Niagara Region Report
Housing Data for Wyoming County
We are pleased to provide Residential Monthly Housing Statistics from the Buffalo Niagara Association of REALTORS®, (BNAR) a membership organization comprised of REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATES®, and includes brokers, salespeople, property managers, appraisers, bankers, attorneys and others, united for a common purpose – to have a strong collective voice in decisions affecting the real estate profession.
The Albany, NY-based New York State Association of REALTORS is a not-for-profit trade organization representing more than 53,000 of New York State's real estate professionals. The association provides a variety of benefits including legislative and legal representation, educational programs, publications such as the New York State REALTOR and a code of professional standards. Current housing and statistical data can also be found on their website.
All data provided by the US Census Bureau. If you're looking for something specific, please let us know by sending an email to info@wycochamber.org